Nice to Meet You, I'm


Have you started a home business and thought it was going to be EASY?

Does this sound so familiar?

  •      Oh this is going to be cake, I know a ton of people?
  •      I only want a couple hundred dollars extra a month, how hard could that be?
  •      I love this product, so I know EVERYONE I know will too…

Once you get started you realize….I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HECK I’M DOING!

Back up just a bit…

I was in this same place back in 2015, I recently got my degree and thought I would be on top of the world, changing career paths after 15 years, as I sat at my desk as an Oil and Gas Corporate Transportation Accountant in Denver, Colorado. It was what I wanted…A Great Family, Good Job, Nice House, Nice Car but to be totally honest I felt like something was missing, was this what I really wanted, it was a struggle deep inside. It drove me nuts waking up each morning to someone else’s schedule and going to work for someone else’s dream; being stuck in an office 12 hours a day and don’t get me started on the commute.  I just knew it was was not the way I wanted to spend the rest of my life until I was 65.

I thought…was this the DREAM life that I imagined when I was little?

All you had to do was Work HARD and all your dreams come true…RIGHT!?

Looking back I now feel as though someone much higher then myself heard me and knew that it was time for a change…I wouldn’t have left the security of my position, but I was laid off from the company August 2015.  Now WHAT???

Have you started a home business and thought it was going to be EASY?

Two weeks prior to getting laid off I was introduced to an amazing product that was going to transform my family to a more natural way of living.  This wasn’t the first time I was introduced to a Network Marketing Company, but it was the FIRST time that I felt passionate for the products.  At the time of the initial presentation, I didn’t pay much attention beyond the products, but that all changed after I was told about the different levels in the company and what the average income was and when a few friends said that they were earning over $200,000/yr and it only took them 3 years to get there, I grabbed a brochure and started investigating. I’m not kidding.

I thought if these crazy people are making that kind of money and I’ve been slaving away at my JOB 12 hours a day and I’ve been working for 20 years and making 1/3 of that….I’m in!

What did I need to do?  OK, I can do that!! It’s Cake! … No Problem! … I Got This! I said YES & I was all in!

I talked to all my friends and family - I set up restaurant meetings...

Then what…I went through everyone I knew….NOW WHAT??

My Path Changed and So Has My Mindset

I started reading books, taking courses, and going to events outside my company on how to grow your network marketing business.  One book that changed it all was the The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris (read it if you haven’t already). After reading that book, my mind and vision to what was possible completely opened up and I started to think very differently about being an Employee vs an Entrepreneur! I wish I would have read that book back in my 20’s, but to be honest, I’m not sure I would have followed it back then…

I am going to be 100% honest here…I did have to go back to work and while I work a corporate job, I am also building MY business.  If you think you can’t do this, then you are in the wrong state of mind!  We all can, but it all depends on your VISION!

I have learned from one of my mentors, Ray Higdon, that you have to have a vision that PULLS you!  Trust me I have a VISION so STRONG that it pulls me everyday to DO MORE, BE MORE, LIVE MORE.  I won’t give up and I am here to help you on your path to not give up!

Let’s find your Vision and you can DO MORE, BE MORE, LIVE MORE